Let's Build A Project: GHOTIES (Day 2)


I believe doing a little a day leads to huge rewards. Especially during the holiday season when you barely have time to spend hours in front of a computer because you’re either a makeshift maid or forced to relate with your family members. I relate well with the former. But with a the progress from Day 1 it was hard not to want to do a little more for Day 2.

The Work

Today, I focused on converting the features I highlighted on day 1 into task flows—well, partly. My main goal was to ensure most of the features were captured in these flows while also making sure there was some sort of connection between them. Each page needed to logically lead to another, creating a cohesive user journey.

This process helped me start faintly visualizing how my website and application might look. Task flows are something I always find myself returning to because there’s always a new feature to add or something I might have overlooked. That’s one of the things I love about design—it’s an iterative process.

While working on these flows, I focused on logical progression and imagined myself as the user navigating the application. This approach gave me an okay first draft, although it’s definitely subject to change. You can probably spot a few cancellations in my work where actions need to be rearranged.

For now, I’m not too worried about perfecting the logical arrangement. The important thing is to get the flow onto paper. There’s plenty of time to refine and polish it later.

The Proof